Old is Gold

I bought Jeffrey Archer's first book "not a penny more not a penny less". it took me about 1 1/2 months to read the book which normally never happens as i always finish the novels quickly. But this i wanted to savor it slowly. I knew there'd be twist in the plot but surprised when i realized there wasn't one but two twist. It was really hilarious in the ending. if anyone of you have not read it then go grab a copy for yourself. Aint it true that old is gold.


buzznet said…
is the novel is good to read. i need a good novel like Monte Cristo...if you know any novels which mad you not to sleep until finish the book. please refer me. i will buy the novel and read. i like some with action and good story with simple english.
buzznet said…
thank you very much i got all my photos da. i have updated that in my picasa album. pls book mark this link i will update often.

your photos also there...it is permanent album so you can visit any time.

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