The Great Escape

I came back from work and buzzed my family to send the lift down so that I can get home to 2nd floor. I was just about to walk towards the lift, the power went down. I was wondering what if i was few seconds early, i would have got stuck inside the lift with only two pieces of chicken tandoori to eat which i was carrying to relish it for dinner. Well the worst part would have been that no one in my family could have helped me out as i was the Only one who knows how to conduct a rescue operation when lift is stuck. isn't that ironic.


Unknown said…
Better you document that and stick it in your house.....
buzznet said…
good becareful with these things...always beaware of negatives
buzznet said…
please edit your blogroll

here after i will post in the following website alone

will add u now in my website.


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